The Kelvin Zone ran from 28 February to 25 March and was funded by Science Foundation Ireland.
The activity featured 23 engineers working across a broad range of fields.
Download the Zone Report (pdf) ❯
22 engineers created profiles in the Zone. See who took part ❯
The winner of the Zone was Aisling Lee, who won €500 to deliver further engagement activities.
194 students from 10 schools logged into the Zone.
85% of active students were from priority schools: 14% from DEIS schools and 85% from underserved schools.
Live Chats
31 live Chats were requested and an additional 4 evening Chats were made available to all students.
13 live Chats, booked by teachers took place. Due to schools experiencing staff shortages, 18 Chats were cancelled or unattended without providing notice.
On average, 3 engineers attended each live Chat.