March 2017 Winners’ Blogs

After every event we ask the winning engineers to write a short blog to be sent to all the students who took part in their zone. It’s a great way for the engineers to reflect on the previous two weeks, thank all the students for voting for them and talk about their outreach plans for the prize money.

Let’s take a look at what the March Winners had to say…

David, Health Zone

I’m really happy that I took part in the contest; it gave me the opportunity to talk to people around the country about the work that engineers do. I sincerely hope that the people we talked to now have a better idea about what work as engineer is like, and that a few of them will have been inspired enough to think about becoming engineers themselves. Engineering paves the way for the future of our planet, and it’s so important that lots of people from all different backgrounds are involved in making that future.

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James, Space Zone

I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the ‘I’m an Engineer’ competition and I can’t thank everybody enough for the votes, questions, answers, effort and time that went into it. It completely surpassed any expectations I had before going into it and I would definitely recommend it to any engineers reading this…To the students, I can’t thank you enough for everything. Through all the crazy questions and brilliant enthusiasm, I have loved answering your curiosities. I in turn grew even more fond of space, and you have now furthered my passion to educate and help students.

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Cathal, Energy Zone

To the students who posed an endless supply of fascinating questions, thank you for all of them, I know we didn’t answer them all but we sure tried! Your curiosity about engineering was infectious and I find myself more interested in my work than I have been in a long time, so thank you! Stay curious, keep asking questions, and if you’re not happy with the answers, maybe you should run an experiment to find out!

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Are you up for the challenge? Want to show what engineering is really about? 

I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here runs every March. It only takes 2 minutes and one sentence to apply!

Posted on March 28, 2017 by modemily in News. Comments Off on March 2017 Winners’ Blogs